Tuesday, October 14, 2008

I'm doing it again

It's 2:40am.
I'm not studying.
I'm not prepared.
I'm worried but not doing anything about it.
To think about it... i don't really feel the need to study.

Why can't I just be like normal people who feels the need to, and actually do- study before a test?
Why can't i just sit down and study instead of drawing things all over the paper, watching tv, eating, scribbling, staring at notes... and not doing anything productive at all??

The funny thing is, i don't even have that sinking feeling in my stomach now. that feeling of 'OMG im going to fail tmrw's paper. NEED TO STUDY'
I do feel like i'm going to fail, but im not feeling the 'need to study' bit. whats wrong with me!?!?!?

then sometime later i'll be going on about how i'm not meant to be on this course, i'm doing the wrong thing. i should be doing something easier- but to think about it i don't think other courses would be any easier.

how stupid.

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