Monday, September 29, 2008

halfway there

about 600 words so far.
its ridiculous how long its taking me to write anything. i don't understand the journals.
stupid assignment. It's so pointless.
but its a whopping 20% of our total grade.

was at CU's blog and she posted a jaychou song... and ive listened to it about 10 times continuously now.

Im having strange song obsessions.
1) I'm Yours-jason mraz
2) Crush-david archuleta (actually it wasnt much of a song obsession, its the Person obsession :S)
3) Sweet Memories- Olivia ong
4) the jay chou song that i dont even know the name of...

i wonder what's next.

oh, and surprise surprise- i have more blog posts for September than i did for june which is the exam week...
blog posts mean: i have lots of work to do, but im procrastinating(well more like... cannot concentrate). the more blog posts there are= more work, and more procrastination. haha. see where im getting at...

Sunday, September 28, 2008

its taking forever.... :S
Its 14 degrees outside and this blarrdy idiot came in and turned on the AIRCONDITIONER.
siao ta po!

Give and Take

A couple of days ago, I made Bread Pudding. People tell me it's easy and I've never done it before, so i decided to give it a try.
The thing about me... is that, i like to take recipes and simplify them even more... leave out the 'unimportant' bits... (cuz some ingredients are hard to get and cost more!)
for example. This recipe- used sourdough bread, had Pecan Nuts on top of of the pudding, and it is served with some sort of whiskey thing....
But i just used normal white bread, got rid of pecan nuts, and instead of some fancy topping- i bought some Custard Powder and just made custard. i've always had it with custard anyway. can't go wrong. and well... i guess it wouldn't taste as good as the original, but it works...

Anyway... i didn't take many pictures of it... but here's one.

In the end, turned out pretty good i think. i liked how it tasted. Even my brother said it was good! *yay* that's an achievement...

So, when something turns out good- I can give some around~ I gave conie a slice (although poor conie had to eat my messed up egg tarts too :S see previous post about my egg tarts...), and i gave my upstairs friend/neighbour Kenz a slice as well.

The thing, is- here's how the neighbour thing works. when you give something, people can't give back an empty container... So they usually give something back in return... i guess~ So here's what I ended up with:

Biscuits from Penang!!

(I gave so little and got back so many biscuits... paiseh paiseh.. ><)

I wonder what happened to his agar-agar he said he'll give before that though... cuz he sort of didnt say anythign about that... i didnt ask.

Picture update!

I made... No. start again. I tried making Egg Tarts a couple of weeks ago...

First thing wrong- there was so much pastry but not enough filling :S
Here they are baking in the oven...

I took them out (i believe) at just the right time- the egg filling had just cooked so it was perfecto. But- back to problem #1: too much pastry. The pastry hadn't cooked properly... :( SO... back into the oven they go.

Then... THEY WENT ALL PUFFY!! looks super cute though :)
Unfortunately, puffiness for eggtarts is BAD. firstly cuz it just means its overcooked. and overcooked stuff just isnt right. Secondly, it leaves big bubbly holes in your tart. thirdly, it destroys the smooth texture egg tarts are supposed to have. Anf finally- IT DOESN'T LAST. So... in the end, they look like this:

THEY GO ALL WRINKLY. ugh. and oogly.

Final thing about baking- it has to taste good. Mine... didn't really taste good :S

i thought the filling was a bit too sweet, and the pastry too much. and because of the overcooking the texture was all wrong. well, i think i got ONE thing right though, the pastry didnt turn out hard. it was just about right :)


I jog at torrens. And everytime i jog i would see this tree... It looks to me like a monster. So the last time iwent for a jog, i decided to STOP for a few seconds and take a picture. See for yourself:

OK so the lighting and all is horrible, and you can hardly see the tree, but its still there... doesn't it look like a giant green chicken with a very long beak??

And... Springtime is the bestest time to go jogging because of these little things!! SEE!!

my phone camera isnt hi-tech enough to zoom in... so just click on it for a larger picture (it should work... i think...)


Dropped by the market for a while with Conie and Marina after lunch one day... and look what we found!

Demented potato and a GIANT TOMATO!!


Remember my excitement over the giant computer screens at uni...

See, they ARE Big! right??


Conie and I were walking towards Al's place... and Conie looked up... and we saw this.

Poor dead bird on top of transparent glass..... :S

Saturday, September 27, 2008


Have you UniSA ppl checked out the new computer screens at Uni??
They're MASSIVE. and super long. as in, wide.
you can almost fit two windows side by side without one blocking the other (if you know what i mean... :S)
and we have new keyboards! or i THINk they're new... they look pretty clean to me. and the bits at the bottom that makes the keyboard slanty instead of flat on the tables are all fixed. :)

am i weird to be so excited over this??

I can't concentrate on my microbiology lit review. HOW HOW HOW HOW HOW!??
and there are 2 tests to study for on top of that. and we're left with 9 days.



i bought a bottle of water before i started work today. Now i'm home and I just realised I LEFT MY BOTTLE AT WORK. So by tomorrow it would have been chucked in the BIN.
Even more sakit hati- its the pink mount franklin bottle...

Eh i just realised, HJ is opened overnight today. So by the time i get into work tomorrow, it's likely that they haven't had time to look around the store and chuck out bottles. Plus, I had my name on it... >< *fingers crossed*

Congrats Conie for winning the competition!!! :) :) :)
and if it werent for you i wouldnt have gotten the thumbdrive too... (cuz i wouldnt have bothered with the competition...) hehe. thank yoooo!

Thursday, September 25, 2008

"cuz im tryin and tryin to walk away
but i know this crush aint goin away-ay-ay-ay..."


still singing.

I can't believe i managed to get this on my blog but HERE IT IS!!!

Crush- David Archuleta

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

blogger is being strange

I tried for ages last night trying to log in to blogspot and i couldn't do it. Actually, forget about logging in, i couldn't even OPEN any blogspot sites...

Today my blogspot opened but this page right now looks very weird and 'antique' and totally plain... o.O

anyway. enough of that.

Last night i was at work, and a couple of my colleagues exchanged this conversation.

A: Hey I was talking to John*. He told me he hates you.
B: Really?
A: Yeah. [chuckles, then walks away]



Hell ya.

I don't see the point of A telling B that. Personally I hate B too. But still. You don't say things like that...

*manager's name changed

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

i'm SO going to bust my internet quota...

OK. So after i said goodnight to everyone on MSN, i was actually still randomly browing blogs (although i really DID mean to go offline). But i found this random person's blog (its the first random blog i clicked on! i usually don't do that) and on the blog was a youtube video of David Archuleta- Crush. So I watched it. I've never heard of David Archuleta before, but the blog had a little intro that said: David Archuleta- Runner up of American Idol season seven. So i thought- he must be good. and my god HE WAS GOOD.
I melted. he wasnt just good, he was cute.
so i followed the youtube link, found myself in youtube, watching all his performances from the first audition, to the hollywood auditions to the final 10 performances (ok, so maybe i didnt watch ALL of them, but i certainly watched a big chunk of it) and Im in looovee....

ok i sound like a lovesick puppy but its not quite like that. im just in love with him as a musician, being only a 17 (turning 18)-year-old kid. I RESPECT. Big time.

Aah... sweet dreams.

Monday, September 22, 2008


... I just want to say- ADELAIDE SUCKS!!

i wanted to go dancing last night. SO badly. But it was a sunday night. And... NOTHING was open. brilliant.
SO anyway. we had dinner at bazu, then walked directly over to Casual Cup for dessert (where i had kind of yummy peanut soup) and we played Heart Attack and got our hands all bashed and screamed so loud i think the ppl were quite glad to get rid of us. then we headed to McDs (since everywhere else was closed) for a drink and just sat and yakked till um... midnight. I was actually really tired by midnight. I can't figure out why since i actually had a good night's sleep on sat night, even got all energetic and went for a jog and all that. That usually helps wake you up. not make you sleepy. Oh well.
SO i went home, watched half of a strange movie with Johnny Depp in it, then went to bed at around 2:30.
woke up today almost noon... and went to Haigh's Chocolate Factory!! with conie and marina. and got some free samples, bought some chocolate (at half price, cuz its those chocs with 'defects' so they can't sell in their shops) and went to Sushi King for lunch, talked till about 3:30pm, then headed home. Then watched some random kids show for a wihle, then started cooking dinner, then now dinner's cooked and i should go eat diner. Strange how time disappears so quickly sometimes....


Sunday, September 21, 2008

Mid-semester break!!

Damn the internet! I can't log on to MSN. it was fine just now... i managed to exchange about 10 sentences with Yusri. Then i couldnt open other sites, so i decided to restart the internet (for about the 5th time) and I COULDNT GET BACK ON MSN!!! *cry*
i'm quite happy it let me open blogspot... >< (is there a past-tense for 'let'?? sentence sounded funny...)
speaking of funny sentences, i just realised i wrote this :"the limit for users of Martindale has reached its limit" well, i said the martindale website wrote that, but the martindale site probably said soemthing else which meant the same thing. BUT i already said "the limit" once, why say again at the end!?? "the limit for users of Martindale has been reached." better. ya? ^^

ok. enough about being so picky with language. i was never good at it anyway. I got told off by Mr Coskinas AND Mr Beverly about the use of proper TENSES. i'd mix in past and present tense in the same sentence, same paragraph... and its all very messed up. i still can't get over how i got the 2 best english teachers during my entire time in UWC though :)
unfortunately got stuck with a lousy math teacher and a lousy chemistry teacher (in IB) which is kinda silly since (biology aside,) those 2 subjects are supposed to be my most important subjects to get into Uni.

Enough with the reminiscing...

We're finally on break! :)

well, i guess for most of us its not really a break... considering we have 2 tests and 1 assignment due after the break. And i actually completely forgot about the MCBT Pathology test. (i was rambling on about the assignment and P&B test only in my last blog entry...)

For the entire week I couldn't wait for the end of today. Im glad its over! :)

Ive got a meeting tomorrow after lunch, then meeting the girls (plus a bf, and yusri) for dinner, then planning to have dessert at Casual cup, then hopefully do some DANCING! yes. dancing... miss it quite a bit. :)

last but not least...

(probably completely wrong timing to be buying boots since its spring and almost summer, but boots never go out of fashion right...??)
it's my first voluntary shoe purchase in adelaide. the first pair of shoes i bought here were for work. completely involuntary. and they were ugly.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

restless restless...

so restless so restless so restless....
finished tutorial today about 30mins early.

this is going to be so boring.
just like all my other posts yesterday.

ah screw this. i should just go home and maybe do soemthign productive.

like maybe.. pharmaceutics tutorial that i should finish by tomorrow.
although i doubt i'll have any idea how to do them.


i hate uni right now.
i SO SO do. and i dread that holidays are coming (i know, the irony...) cuz that means i need to get started with the assignment and study for the PnB test... ><

im woooried....

Wednesday, September 17, 2008


see... that's why i should NEVER leave pharmaceutics tutorial preparations to the night before practical.

The Martindale website says "the limit for users of Martindale has reached its limit"
The British Pharmacopoeia says that: "this user has logged in too many times already"

In the end, What can i do?? Nothing.
No martindale, i dont know anything about.. anything really. So... i got no where to start.
No BP, wel... that one i can live with. but i tried looking in BP cuz i couldnt get into martindale. its possible that i might find something in there that is useful. Anyway. i lied when i said i can do Nothing. I could try to do safety checks. MIMS is working.

So anyway. this just means tomorrow morning i need to wake up EARLY so i can finish off my pre-prac stuff to be ready for tutorial tomorrow


i wanted to get it done tonight. im not a morning person.

*edited: 12:39am*
I managed to open Martindale!!
So my tutorial is DONE. well, kind of. lots of blanks cuz i dont know how to do stuff... but i'll get answers tomorrow :) my practical is aaages to go anywya. after the holidays i have to do 2 experiments, THEN i'll finish off the practicals.
btw i decided to print off the tutorial stuff again, and i thought since my print quota is super low again, i put 1 pages on 1 sheet. it fits nicely. BUT guess what? i printed it TWICE. NOT MY FAULT THOUGH!! i thought the orientation was wrong the first time round so i cancelled directly after i clicked OK which should normally end up being CANCELLED!! then i went to collect my papers and...wth. 2 copies. =.=

aggghh. pissed.

andrew called me. im working about a couple hours longer than im supposed to on friday night. i know i was complaining about too much work, but i thuoght since i'll already be at work, heck why not stay a while longer (ill go home and watch tv anyway) at least i'll have a break. im ok if they give me a break. i just hate the long hours of work without breaks...

This is just me procrastinating. Again.

OCF people are pretty scary.
i haven't read their emails in a while, but today i decided why not scroll through and see what they have to say.
It was pretty freaky.

oh well. i shall not say anymore in case i offend some people.
I really don't mean to. I guess I just can't understand them.
And if you're thinking about trying to help me understand- let me save you some time and effort- dont bother :) I like being the way I am.

Some people never learn that its not all about them.
Well too bad. The joke is on them. it was funny :)

Why am I not surprised they disappeared?

Tic Tac!

We all know (well at least i know ONE person knows) I'm not a big fan of Tic Tac. Not until someone managed to convince me to take a tic tac from her one day and thats when i realised i dont hate it as much as i thought i did... But I still never buy Tic Tacs...

So today I was at Woolies after work... and i came across a shelf of Tic Tacs. THEY WERE PINK!! I walked past it- Stare....
walk past again... stare.... grabbed one.

pink tictac box... it's adorable. I couldn't resist.... ><

Well... think about it this way- for every pink Tic Tac sold, 5c will be donated to the breast cancer foundation. So, if say... there were um... 10,000 people like me who would not usually buy tictacs, but cannot resist the pink box... then that adds up to $500 to the breast cancer foundation!! See... it's all for a good cause...


Sunday, September 14, 2008


ok talk about randomness... sorry about the outburst. :)

work yesterday was rather torturous. I hate working with some people and it sucks big time when you're stuck with that person for your entire shift. Doesn't help that i wasn't in the bestest of mood, nor was I very energetic last night. (after my shift ended on saturday morning, i got home at around 5:20am, and tried to sleep. went to bed but for some reason i kept on waking up, so after about 5 hours sleep my body doesnt want to sleep anymoe, so i woke up. and at 6pm the same day, iwas back at work again for another 5 hr shift. Not happy.) and when i'm tired, and hungry. I'm a grumpy person.

So anyway, when i was finally done, miraculously- as usual- the tiredness disappeared and i decided to give dear ol' bestie Conie a ring and ended up spending the night at her place yakking about stuff (topic of conversation has changed vastly ever since... :P), ate mooncakes, and since it was too late to walk home alone, i slept over.

All in all, it was good.
Now we're heading to Elder Park to see what's on for the OzAsia Mid-autumn festival celebration tonight.

Friday, September 12, 2008

lah dee dah...

just had no idea what to write for the title so it came out as that. not that i'm in a particularly happy mood or anything. neither am i depressed. Neutral. thats what it is.

Why is it that when im NOT working on weekends i feel like nothing's going on, but when i do end up with an overnight shift on friday, people have activities going on and i can't join... :(

And i can't believe the number of times i've missed free entry into Red Square on friday night because i finish work 30 mins after the time you need to start paying for entrance. =.="
I love my job, but i hate how im workign at all the wrong times
Then again, what is the RIGHT time?
so far the only shift i really like doing is tuesday lunch. its the only lunch period i can do cuz every other day im at uni during that time. and if im working at night, im most likely stuck with closing. which sucks. cuz you end up working over time... all the time. once i stayed back till 12:30 (for a shift that was meant to end at 11pm) because there was so much to clean. they leave BREAKFAST stuff out till midnight. can you believe it!?? so everythign's stuck and its so hard to wash. =.=

ok enough complaining.

microbio prac was relaxing today. ciould have finished so much earlier but we ended up talking about shoes halfway through prac...
i like sitting next to kavi cuz when there's somethign we dont know how to answer she'll go around and get help from demonstrators and people and then ill get answers off her :P thank yooo. hehe. anyway, that kind of motivates me to go and ask questions too... kind of... ^^

wow library closes early today... completely forgot.

kk going home now. byebye.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

ah the excitement!!

congratulations girl! *heart*

Now you need to help me!! :P

Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Look into your heart and you'll find love love love

I guess what I be saying is there ain't no better reason
To rid yourself of vanities and just go with the seasons
It's what we aim to do, our name is our virtue

But I won't hesitate no more, no more
It cannot wait, I'm yours

I'm Yours- Jason Mraz

Love love love love the song :)

Lazy lazy lazy...

Lousy ATO... tried calling them to make an appointment but i was put on hold forever... i decided to hang up or my phone bill will KILL ME. SO anyway. i think i'm going to have to go there and see if i can speak to them there and then. if not make an appointment while i'm there... and uh... go back another day. That would totally suck cuz its all the way at Waymouth Street (IF I'm talking about the correct place) :(

I need to go to the market today too...

I was so proud of myself not going back to SLEEP after lecture this morning (even though it was SO tempting...). BUT hey, its already 10:40am now and guess what??? I'M STILL AT HOME and i haven't done anything. =.= guess nothing to be proud of afterall...

So enough with the procrastinating... I should get going or I'll never get anything done today.

*yawn* =S

Before i go... Click here.

i wanted to put it on here but i just the code thing doesn't seem to work :(

Sunday, September 07, 2008

miley, RAS, pigs, cupcakes and a burger.

New found respect for Disney Hannah Montana star- Miley Cyrus.
I thought she was just a silly girl who happens to play a rockstar role on a show so she apparently knows how to sing. Well, she turns out to be a brilliant show host and dancer as well as a singer/actress. For a kid as young as her, i have to say, she's pretty amazing.
Anyway...that aside, went to RAS yesterday. I sort of want to post pictures. but it takes a while... so.. .maybe just check on facebook :P

This year we skipped the rides and games... expensive and really kidn of pointless. SO we had a lot more time to wander around... to the alpacas, sheep and dog pavilions... saw little animals at the nursery, watched the poor alpacas get stripped from their beautiful soft fur... spent some time in the main arena where there was some animal parade (ive never seen anything like it...), car and motorbike shows... etc. and there were lots of food... and people.. and other shows... but most imporantly i finally managed to see the PIGS! racing and diving... :)

ok. im a bit biased. i said i didnt want to post pictures, but this i NEED to post :P


Also, I said i baked cupcakes on thursday ya??
Here they are!!

And... after work thursday i made myself a burger. But didnt want to eat it then (i finished work so late!) so i had it for lnuch the next day... but here's my burger! how often do you get a burger from HJ with your name on it right?? :P


Saturday, September 06, 2008

I guess one thing was right all along

Wishes Do Come True!!! :)

ah i like being right... :P
Mine's come true before. Now someone else's has come true. So you see... if you never wish for anything then you'll never have a wish come true. So never be afraid to wish. Because you never know one day things might just go the way you want it to.

My last blog entry was #300! this is #301. I'm not sure how many of you follow my blog around. I used to use this thing called diary-x. used it FOR A VERY LONG TIME. and then IT SHUT DOWN! and i was so sad. everything i rambled in it just disappeared. and trust me, i used to ramble alot. possibly even more than i do now. Then i moved to Xanga. and now i'm at blogspot. I think i just didnt like xanga very much. maybe something to do with the formatting and all. too fancy.With this blogspot (And the pre-made skin) its nice and simple. muahaha. like my friendster which stil doesnt have a fancy background, or music, or any colour whatsoever. Seroiusly. what a waste of time >< SO yea... simple, but it does the job. i can ramble, people can comment, i can have a chatbox, i can post pictures. done. :)

I worked 6 hours straight today SIX HOURS. im amazed myself. I have jelly legs now. everytime i stand up it hurts like hell. I dont know how i made my way back home from work. I guess cuz i havent sat down yet... and once i SIT. *KABOOOOM* bombs away. i cant stand up again.
Strangely enough, i've done 6 hours of clubbing, 6 hours of shopping.. .and it doesnt seem to have the same effect :P
AH but wait... there's always sitting in the midst of the other 6 hours of stuff... maybe makes a bit of sense then? i guess i DO get jelly legs after all that... ijust dont complainso much cuz i was having fun. i can't complain toomuch today i guess. work aws quite fun. i got to handle a station by myself. and wheni got help i wasnt so confused mainly cuz it was MY station and who ever helped me was doing just that- helping me, and didnt try to come over and take controil and mess things up which is what some people like to do. So im a happy person today.

I'm a happy person today for a few reasons...
The sun is up and out and it was a beautiful day, and i spent time outside, went shopping and got myself a pair of totally cute pyjamas (for $14!), i gave a neighbour some cupcakes i baked, i made it to class just on time :P, I changed the mixer, i got a parcel (ok. nothing too exciting and made me walk all the way to the post office, but still!), did some laundry (just proud that i did SOMETHING useful for the day :P), went shoe sohpping but didnt buy anything, got some teddy bear moulds for no reason but they were so cute i couldnt resist.... (i can make teddy bear ice! or teddy bear cupcakes! or teddy bear chocolate! (if i melted the choc ><) OOH OR TEDDY BEAR JELLIES! see.. they were going to come in handy SOMETIME. right? plus, things lik ethat can be kept for a long time...)

It was an eventful day. and i'm exhausted (crap, i just realised i forgot to ask someone what time the meeting actually ended. since i randomly rushed off halfway through the meeting.... so dont know what the conclusoin was anyway)


I better get some sleep. DOnt want to be a waslking zombie tomorrow.

Thursday, September 04, 2008

I'm so disappointing

i tell myself i was going to stay back after practical to catch up with my studies.
Instead i spent 2 hours chatting, blogging, emailing and looking at pictures.


I tasted the Cod Liver Oil Emulsion I made in prac today. UGh GROSS.
Ok so the taste wasn't too bad. I actually managed to get 8mLs of Orange Syrup in it. Kind of maximum i could put in cuz i needed more water to clean out my mortar and pestle. So... in terms of taste- it was actually sweet. Not too bad. BUT THE SMELL. aaahh!! it staysi n your mouth! so now im sucking on a mint. Not a particularly tasty mint (Fisherman's friend. Got it cuz i had a cough sometime ago and it helped) but still better than nasty fishy mouth. Never again am i gonig to take cod liver oil. No wonder i stopped taking the capsules i used to take... Ah bad memories.
Strangely enough I used to take the orange flavored Scotts emulsions. You know the orange syrup... and I LIKED IT. weird. AND my cousins would take the white coloured scotts emulsion. isnt that just... cod liver oil emulsion?? it's the grossest thing. imagine tasting fish oil every single day!??


On a side note: I'm glad we talked. :) <3

Tuesday, September 02, 2008

More pictures

Ok, since I had pictures up from my mum's visit. It's only fair that i have pictures from my dad's visit as well. Unfortunately we didn't take many pictures and this is all i have:

ok not true. theres a few more. very very few more. but im not in the other picture. so whatever ><

During the winter holidays also conie and I made cookies. I dont remember if i've posted any cookie pictures up yet, but i know conie's blog had pictures. Anyway... if i hadn't yet... here's some:

Tadaa! cute ya :)
The pretties:
The uglies and aliens:

The bunny collection:

Then on sunday night Hari Merdeka, Conie, Kavi and Sook Mun came over for nasi lemak. The sambal was cooked by mummy when she was here a month ago (been frozen in the freezer) so the difficult part was done. All's left is to get the rice cooked (at my house), roast peanuts and cut cucumber (done by kavi and sook mun), boil eggs (conie), and fry some ikan bilis (my job!) anndd....


THen we played uno, and here mr Dragon was the card dispenser fella.

Then we played the thumb game that kavi thought us and the loser drinks- A combination of lots of stuff... :S

Here's my drink when they finally made me lose after trying several rounds:

Tadaa!! yes. looks absolutely delicious doesn't it? =.="

ok. enough tadaa's for the day... end of story.

Monday, September 01, 2008

Long overdue.

so we all know my mum and sis came down to adelaide sometime ago... and i havent said anything about it. cuz im just lazy. :P
mum came and did LOTS of cooking! SOO for the next few weeks (including tonight) i just have to un-freeze some food and cook rice and maybe add a dish or two and: tadaaa!! dinner done! :) totally cool. and mum coming inspired me to start filling up my fridge again. shes always got some good idea for fast, easy food....
Anyway.. without further delay... pictures!

Chicken rice! its sort of becoming a tradition. haha. the last time my mum left adelaide we also had chicken rice for dinner on the last night: my brother and mum:The siblings:
We went to toysRus cuz my sis wanted to see the teddy bears i told her about...
bro looking a bit stoned...
me and the bear!
my sis and the bear!(she had another camera to smile at so shes looking that way...)
THen since my sis hasnt been to torrens river yet, we took some old bread and headed there to feed the birds! (my sis looks like a tourist here with the white cap. Got it from bhpbiliton who were doing some olympic promo thing at the park...) and thats her swan friend who wouldnt go over to the other side with the other birds in the water...
Brought them all to Marion shopping center... here with mum and brother
Aaaand finally.... just for some craziness..........

the end!

old friends.

Its not that i've lost contact with them.
They're there...
on my MSN, on Facebook, I have their email addresses, their phone numbers...
But i just don't talk to them anymore.
Even my closest friends. We assume we're still friends. Because nothing's ever gotten between us (except for lots of sea and land) but how do we know we still get along if we don't talk to each other?
And the problem isn't just- we dont talk to each other. IF we do, What do we talk about? What if there's lots of awkward silences? It happens on MSN. people don't know what to say in response, so just leave it and thats the end of the conversation...

If only friendships can remain forever...
Unfortunately people change, and interests change. We have less and less in common.
We make new friends and move on. So do they.
And over time... people drift apart.

I have some feeling ive written the same thing before sometime ago. but the thought is still lingering in my head...