Sunday, April 20, 2008


1) You don't know what you have. There are many people in this world who would love to be like you. And you don't see that.
2) I miss you. Its been ages.
3) I need a change of environment. We could get a drink and talk about things I havent talked about for a long time. If only you were here.
4) I wish I knew you better. You should get your friends and we can hang out together sometime. Maybe we have a lot more in common than you think.
5) Why so competitive? Some things don't need to be compared. It makes you selfish in ways I cannot explain here.
6) First impressions. It's amazing what they can do. But when your true colors are so ugly, sometimes even first impressions can fade.
7) I don't understand you. You're a bit strange. You know when sometimes you're completely Neutral towards someone- no hate, no love, no dislike, no like. That's you.
8) You lifesaver. We'll fail without you. He should know that.
9) Did you ever feel the same way about me the way you feel about her?
10) What happened to us? I thought we were friends. Then you go and ruin it all.

1 comment:

andetheriel said...

I wonder who these are...