Wednesday, August 27, 2008


haha. i just realised- i'm such a copycat.
first the pubcrawl picture, then about the test.
ok maybe not Just realised. I already knew :P

Today i almost missed my chem prac. i set my alarm for 8:10. i woke up at around 6-ish and relaised it was really eraly, so i went back to sleep. Suddenly jolted awake again at about 9:20am. CLASS STARTS AT 9:30!! i was wondering as hell why my alarm didn't wake me up- then i realised my alarm time was 8:10PM. genius.
Anyway, i jumped out of bed, brushed my teeth, got changed and ran off to uni. made it just on time. poor Tony looked so glad when i finally showed up. if not he'll have to do the prac on his own... our other group member didn't show up either.
We were extremely blur during the prac... no idea how to work the absorption measuring machine thing. realised that results dont make sense. Asked Dr Des Wiliams and HE DIDNT" KNOW went on and on about some theory... then asked the other demonstrator and she didn't know either. Then finally managed to catch dr Kraft when he's free and he told us what to do. Then at the end we were runing around looking for methanol... the other group stole ours... for such a short prac, we were the LAST 2 PEOPLE left in the lab at 12:10pm when we finally finished clearing up etc.
pray that that doesn't happen again for my next practical....

Anyway. i;'ve had a looong day, but its almost 10pm and i still haven't done my pre-prac/tutorial preparation for pharmaceutics tomorrow. so OFF TO WORK i go. now.

It's been a while since i blabbed about 'my day' on my blog hasn't it? :) about time...


conie said...

I am SO jealouS !

conie said...


Laurane said...

eh... jeles apa? finishing lab late? demonstrators blur??

Tinanit said...

lol! yes! it's been a loooooooong time since u've updated about your day! i'm lazy to update mine. maybe this weekend. too tired to korek vocabulary from my brain! lol!