Wednesday, June 11, 2008


Good point. it wasnt a weekend. But it felt like it.

Dont know what you're complaining about. I'd be ecstatic. But maybe that's just me. I'm easily happy.

You're funny. thank you. i sometimes dont trust mum though :P

I feel like hiding in a box for a month. And then come out and kill myself cuz I would have failed my semester since i missed everything.

I'm cold. im wearing 2 pairs of socks. Does not help.

I burnt my tongue again. this time- SERIOUSLY burnt. I fried some dumplings for dinner. Inside the dumplings was some water/soupy thing. I didnt expect it to have so much liquid. So i bit it, and *squirt* the water came out- DIRECTLY ON MY TONGUE. this was about a minutes after i took it off the stove. the rest of dinner was painful. Then i realised when im eating something i don't concentrate so much on the pain. So the rest of the night.. *munch munch munch*... ).( [figured out the picture yet? person with cheeks so FAT that eyes can no longer be seen... thats me.]

I might not be able to go to QEH for work this weekend because S wants me to go in pairs with someone. the 3rd yrs cant make it. That sucks.

I need to have a big WAKE UP call and tell my brain to start keeping information it reads. I have 9 days to my first exam. I waste so much time staring at paper with printed words.

PMS is supposed to happen before M right? Funny how time flies when you least want it to. I thought it was only a couple of weeks ago... not according to my calendar though.

PH can die. So can JH. ah they all end with a 'H'...

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