Monday, June 30, 2008


I thought depression is part of PMS.
So why Now? It just ended. I thought this is when I'm supposed to feel most 'normal'. most 'myself'. No stupid hormones running amok in the body.

Maybe the stress is finally getting to me.

But wasn't I already stressed before? I mean, the thought of having to learn analytical chemistry in one day should have been stressful. So why depressed now and not then?

Maybe because my body feels like it has time to shut down. Maybe because the exam is 3 days away, and not tomorrow. Maybe on wednesday night I will no longer feel like this, and i will once again find it terribly easy to absorb any material I read because I HAVE TO. Why can i only work under pressure? This just makes me more of a procrastinator than i already am. And some things you just cannot procrastinate. Some things need time to let sink in. Some things have to be learnt and understood rather than memorised so you cannot just wait until the last minute. But at the moment, my body isn't allowing me to do that. It just won't learn.

I'm completely rambling on now i forgot what my original intention of writing was.

On a side note however, I would like to thank:
Kavi, and especially Conie for helping me on Friday night. I wouldn't have made it through the analyical exam if not for you two.



conie said...

walaoooo <--- do I sound like hosan?! =.=

Do you have to be so formal?!
You worked hard yourself, you know that.

jkavi said...


take it easy yeah =)

conie said...

haha! oi!
When I was stressed out why didn't you sayang me?~

Laurane said...

lol you two...
conie- not being formal. its a sincere thanks!

kavi- sayang back! :)