Thursday, April 20, 2006

So this is it.

Our last day of school.
We had the awards assembly today. Us grd 12's are on the bleachers! it was quite fun to watch the rest of the school squish uncomfortably on the floor... :) after all, i have done that for 3 years. (then again there are people in my grade who's been here since grade 4, so they must have been more satisfied than me!) After the assembly, we had our final tutor group session where we finally got our Footprints book. then we had our own grd 12 assembly, and we watched this video made by some people.. there was a videogame fight sorta thing (think streetfighter!) that they did which was really good! and funny. :) and stuff... then we had a barbeque at labrador park, west coast. and it was all good and fun. haha.
so anyway... my camera sort of died after monday*cry*... so here are some pictures from Rockstar Day (monday). and as soon as i get pictures off people for the other days i will post them up!

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katriona, me and jasmin

Image hosting by Photobucket dom as Billie Joe (Greenday) and me

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me, maya, rachel

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sheila and i

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the village people :) (jason, stefan, arnout, mjelva, adam) did i get the names right?

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wanda, amy, me

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me and swati looking uber cool

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the girls

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yj, cinnie, lyn, maya

Image hosting by Photobucket jo and i

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oystein (not sure dressed up as who...)

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helen, aashima and ritz

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me and melissa (as blondie)

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Dudley (as Kiss band member)

so. like i said, my attempts to dress up sorta failed, but it got better over the next 2 days so u need to wait for pictures.
hope you liked the rockstars! next set of pictures will bring to you people like mahatma ghandi, victorian maids, and chinese zombies. haha


1 comment:

Tinanit said...

Cool! u guys had a Rockstar day! dat Dom looks quite alike of dat Greenday frontman. Amy was dressing up like who? it looks like Maki from High and Mighty Color(Japs band). if u're not sure who H&MC is, u can go and check it out on my Friendster or my blog. hehehe...