Saturday, April 22, 2006

more pictures

Instead of posting everything on the blog, i decided, or rather mjelva decided i should get a webshots thing.. which is what i did. so here are the rest of the pictures:

yea it proved quite useful since its easy to use and takes little time to upload.

enjoy. :)

oh, and thanks sheila for the pictures u sent.



andetheriel said...

YAY for pictures. pictures pictures pictures lalalala our entire grade are such camwhores. hee.


Anonymous said...

pics! pics! pics! so cool ^^

Anonymous said...

thanks alot laurane!!!! hhheheheh

i actually hate all the pics that i took on history day.. not a single one i like.. but i absolutely love the ones u took!!!! hehehe. (not complimenting anyone's photography skill here) hahahas

anyway thanks! ^^

Anonymous said...

go asian princesses...muakakaka i love that pic.