Tuesday, March 18, 2008

One of 'those days'.

They come they go you'll get over it.

In the meantime, you hate yourself more than the world hates you. Yes, the world hates you too.

Don't worry about me though. I don't need justification for why write certain things. Sometimes some things just come to mind. They probably don't make much sense, but that's what blogs are for :)

Adelaide is finally cool again. I didn't have to wait for Wednesday after all. it went down to 20 today. I missed the sun today though. I like the sun. It brings Joy... and Happiness... and joyfulness! (Did this come from the candymountain youtube clip?)

Goodbye Charlie.

1 comment:

andetheriel said...

Let's gooo to Caaaandy Mooounnntaaaaiinnn Chaaaaarliiieeeeee.
