Today proved to me that if i actually made an effort to get involved, things do happen. But sacrifices need to be made. Studying my butt off at uni every night this week hopefully paid off. The chem test today went better than i expected. That is, if what i thought was the correct answer is really the correct answer. At uni, the problem is, you never really know whether what you're doing is really correct until you get it marked. and you don't get many things marked... unless it really counts. and by then its a bit too late. My first test was crap. So i freaked out and studied for this one :)
Anyway... the past 2 weeks have been physically and emotionally a rollercoaster... Just the thing about meeting new people and liking some people and not liking some people and some people having problems with other people which causes problems for other people.... yes i just said people like 7 times... but its the root of all problems right?? and then thers lots of other problems and things happening... and your brain can only work up to a certain capacity before its completely saturated and you cant think, cant concentrate and you turn a bit cranky. and ultimately- a bit depressed.
BUT its finally the holidays and today has been a pretty good day even though it involved a test, and a 2 hour bio leture at 4-6 in the evening.
I'm now MySA's new Vice President along with Ben. New President is Alwyn, the 3 Event Coordinators are none other than Margaret, conie and yinlu- somehow all of us from the merdeka performance... Adrian changed position from treasurer to secretary, treasurer is now someone called... i dont remember his name (yes im doing very well as VP... ><), Desmond is Welfare officer, Joa wenn is publicity officer (i think thats what those positions are) and i need help in filling out the other positions... haha. i totally suck.but thats cuz we havent had a meeting yet! so i will be all sorted as soon as we meet up. :) SO fingers crossed, things will be good the rest of this semester, and for the rest of my studies in adelaide. I'll have a lot more work to do and need to seriously work on time management, but if a 3rd year pharmacy student can be president and make everything work, why cant i? :)
And just for fun since i have the time... some random pictures from my phone...
Our work of art on the whiteboard during one of the dance rehearsals- before other people arrived:
Hope you enjoyed the pictures. have a good day :)
hey VP, they're the newsletter ppl and the website ppl.
And sorry if I got problem with someone and gave u problems >.<
So sorry
:) its ok... haha. yeahi remember that now! i just dont know who they are. wait, i think do.but too much to write :P
so...I did give u problemss!
not really. thres other problems too but no worries. holidays here. problems still hovering but we'll get over it. :)
wat prob tat i duno of???lol....
nothing major... i got over it. ok. it wasnt anythign major. nothign to wory about!
btw, what minor problems... may i know? >.<
um... sorry. no. embarassing. so- no. maybe one day i will let you know :)
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