Friday, June 02, 2006

My horoscope for today:

The Bottom Line:
By this point, if you don't understand how someone truly feels, you must ask them.

In Detail:
Just because you've been close to someone for years doesn't mean you know them like the back of your hand. There are new depths to explore in your relationship. If you can't understanding their actions or changes, you must ask them. Open up communications. You will both turn a corner together, and what lies ahead of you is a lifetime of adventures and joy. Let this positivism buoy you in other areas of you life. Even at work, you can create a bright future by talking more honestly.

wow i never knew positivism was a word.


aLy said...

fuH~ u're THAT bored, huh?

Laurane said...

it was on friendster!

aLy said...

yeahhHHH~... whadever.