Sunday, August 13, 2006

My desktop picture has once again changed. :) I got this from another one of those fwd messages from Meg.Aren't they CUTE?? *grin*

Anyway... I've been off to a very slow start but im finally going to do something. (yea still GOING TO and havent actually DONE anything yet... but still. its something right?)
Next weekend (the 26th i think) ill be going up to Malaysia. where i will be working in a pharmacy and hopefully getting my drivers license. I'll be there for around a couple of months during which lots more people will be leaving singapore. Which means i will have to say my goodbyes before i leave. Good thing is, lots of people are coming back in December. so it shouldn't be too depressing.

Mjelva's birthday yesterday was tres fun :) and also very tiring cuz i was walking around since about 5pm. I swear, i doubt there were many singaporeans who stayed at home yesterday. the entire country was out in the CBD. its insanely full! Especially crowded around marina bay when there was the fireworks display... At least we got ther eon time and got to see something. it was GOOD. :) i like fireworks... even better when we somehow found a place which wasnt so sardined and it was breezy and it was nice. (My english is deteriorating...)

My day journey:
4:30pm holland road- wheelock place- orchard mrt- dhoby gaut mrt- city hall mrt- suntec city- marina square- city hall mrt- dhoby gaut mrt- little india mrt- 7:50pm gayatri restaurant-dhoby gaut mrt- city hall mrt- 9pm somewhere around to watch fireworks- city hall mrt- dhoby gaut mrt- clarke quay mrt- brewerkz- sahara- holland road 1:30am.

ive never been on the mrt so many times in a day before.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i am not much of a cat person, but awwwwww... i love that photo.

haha well it sounds like all the mrt taking and walking were worth it for a fun night out =)! i was so tired yesterday too cuz i had to go to a brown party thing. i think i must've walked like 4 km. just to and from the stupid bus stop which is a 10-minute walk from my house. so yeah i was rather relieved that i had said i wouldn't be joining you guys for fireworks cuz i would've made a pretty grumpy companion =)