Wednesday, July 23, 2008

ok this is so totally out-dated... but i should write anyway.
results came out on saturday and good news- no worries about repeating the exam or worse case- repeating a year. yay! :) not ecstatic about my overall result, but quite happy. got more or less what i expected anyway.

On a completely different note...
i'm broke. I've been spending mum and dad's money the past week because my own earnings have been completely dried out. yep. not a single cent left. brilliant right? thank restaurants, and shopping and Paintball.
but i've had a blast so far.. and the holidays aren't over yet. more spending, more eating, then i shall replenish my bank after it's all over when uni starts again in a few days time...
But... i will sacrifice the laser skirmish and karting activity... save something to do for the next holiday.
ugh. ok. maybe not. i might change my mind on that.

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