Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Pharmaceutics Dispensing Test

Conie... IT WAS NOT EASY. But thanks for the heads up.

Would I Fail it?

Would I Ace it?

You know you won't do well when you sat there for the first few minutes staring into blank space not knowing what to do or where to start from.
Complete mess. Took me ages to figure out what we're supposed to do.
Even then, I'm not sure if it's right. And I left a blank space... well, i filled it up with crap. i already wrote the same thing elsewhere. i just needed to put something there and i had no time to go look up melting points or something intelligent...

oh well. That's done. Move over...

Biochem oh biochem... here i come. Again.


conie said...

I said it takes time =.=
Don't worry, many people produced powder in my session! They don't know you have to make the emulsifier ><

=Mun= said...

i screwed mine... it looked like shit =.=

conie said...

oi! Unless your ointment looks brown =.=
How can it look like shit?!

Laurane said...

was your ointment brown? mine was brown. very slightly brown only. and could see lots of little dots in it... :S but i dont think those dots could have been any smaller...